Saturday 30 April 2011

So, as you may have noticed from my previous post I wasn't overly into the royal wedding... but now, afterwards welllll... I went a little set-crazy on Polyvore, and couldn't seem to stop making sets about the right royal shindig-

Friday 29 April 2011

....and now they are married. Yaysies! (sorry, as an Australian, a little bit of sarcasm towards the Brits is part of my psychological makeup)

I didn't watch it, but I did check in on The Age's update every now and then... the dress is lovely...

Diary of a reluctant holidayer...

The reason there hasn't been a post over the last few days is that it's holidays dontcherknow? And it's an Easter tradition in my family to get together with a bit more family and go somewhere without Internet access...
...and as much I I love my family, and holidays, sometimes I think it would just be easier to stay at school. My cousins are a lot of work. They need to be fed, amused, watched in the swimming pool, fed some more, told to put a jumper on, told Not To Do That, kept away from the cars, entertained some more and then fed again... school I kinda spend most of my time lying on my bed, reading or playing the computer, or doing something from the many crafty pursuits that overflow my cupboard space at uni...., maybe...
No. I'd rather have the holidays...

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Diary of a Fangirl

Ok, so my latest obsession is the Syfy miniseries 'Alice'... and more specifically the Hatter..
...Come on, Andrew Lee Potts is just a perfect package of adorableness...
..with the oh, so gorgeous grin, and the slightly bunny-rabbit teeth...
... maybe that's what it is... my own teeth being somewhat less than perfect, his meltable smile is even more irresistible.. he's the only guy in visible eyeliner that I've ever been attracted to...
Plus absolutely no one can resist a guy with a British accent AND dimples
Besides Hatter is so sweet and yet so, well, badass.. at the same time that a girl can't help falling completely under his spell...

But anyway, I'm getting distracted- I started talking about the show...
I watched it on Youtube...
...and then after I was finished, I needed a further fix in the form of fan videos....
...yep, I spent a couple of days watching practically every one made (ok, not every one- there are a lot out there)...
(which was also what I did when I was having a The Breakfast Club episode, but couldn't get hold of the video)
You too should watch it if you possibly can, 'cos it's fabulous!

However, I would recommend not watching the following if you have not yet seen it and plan to, and do not want anything given away (I give stuff away on myself, by looking up films on Wikipedia that I want to see, but am not sure if I ever will... and I always seem to enjoy them more if I don't know how they will go, but can't seem to stop myself)

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Diary of a Uni student

Yes, that's what I do- my job for the moment if you will..
In fact, right at this very moment, I should be working on an assignment rather than making this blog..
but I wanted to... so I did...

This is my second year and I live on Res at a relatively small country University.
I have my own room, but share a bathroom..

Currently my room is a mess, although most of the mess is confined on my desk.. and some on my bed...
there are bits for the latest assignment... schoolbooks, novels, badges, chocolate, masses of pencils, textas, pens, coloured paper and other crafty stuff (even stamps), some knitting, a couple of drink bottles, some DVDs, and finally a bit more chocolate.

On the other side of the bed (where I am sitting at the moment) is my fridge, which is currently holding my record player, more books, another drink bottle, some paper work and an empty chip packet....

I myself am currently being distracted from writing assignment by a combination of Youtube, Facebook, Blogger, Polyvore and The Proposal...

What distracts you most from those important stuffs that have to be done?