Friday 29 April 2011

Diary of a reluctant holidayer...

The reason there hasn't been a post over the last few days is that it's holidays dontcherknow? And it's an Easter tradition in my family to get together with a bit more family and go somewhere without Internet access...
...and as much I I love my family, and holidays, sometimes I think it would just be easier to stay at school. My cousins are a lot of work. They need to be fed, amused, watched in the swimming pool, fed some more, told to put a jumper on, told Not To Do That, kept away from the cars, entertained some more and then fed again... school I kinda spend most of my time lying on my bed, reading or playing the computer, or doing something from the many crafty pursuits that overflow my cupboard space at uni...., maybe...
No. I'd rather have the holidays...

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