Thursday 5 May 2011

Diary of a bad eater...

(as of 4.44pm)
Guess what I've eaten today?
That would be 2 packets of snack sized chips and 2 and 1/3rd LCMs Split Sticks...
... 1 Yogurt and 1 and 1/3rd Chocolate...
....and a fun sized Timeout bar... actually, I'm eating that now...

...yes, I know- It's terrible, but the thing is- I haven't been shopping this week.
Or last week....
 So I have had to eat what's in my room (not much, after 2 weeks placement, prior to last week), what I get from the canteen, and two dinners a week that the Res provides... I am currently hanging out for one tonight... only about an hour and a bit to go... I think I have some tortillas if I can't make it or I could cook up some pasta, like I did for breakfast the other day...
But, seriously.. If you know any quick, tasty (and nutrition wouldn't hurt me either) meals for one... please, please let me know....

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