Tuesday 3 May 2011

Diary of a lazy emailer

Want to guess how many unread emails there are in my mailbox it the moment? The answer is 552. Mostly junk... the problem is I just keep letting them pile up, and then they get too many for me to go though. Although that figure is less than it was a while ago, when I had another attempt at a clean out. That's the thing with technology... it starts out as a convenience, or an entertainer... and before long it has become a chore....
and then of course you can always move on and find something new....
The first thing I got into was Yahoo!Answers.. though some friends at school... then that died out...then I got into Polyvore (different set of friends) ...that still hangs on as a current obsession... then there was a blog.. Facebook... Youtube.. and the never ending array of amusing sites to enjoy, the Taste of Awesome, Cakewrecks, notalwaysright, etc..... one fades out as another one lures...

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