Wednesday 4 May 2011

Diary of a Gym Virgin...

Yesterday was my first ever visit to the gym... Yes, I got to 19 years old without ever having set foot in one. The instructor had to show me everything. I knew absoululy zero.. even the way I did push ups was wrong (although, granted, the last time I did push ups was when challenging my cousins to see who could do the most- p.s. most of my cousins are at least 5 years younger than me)
This morning before I went I decided I had better shave my knees... 'cos, you know they stuck out below my shorts... yeah, somewhat embarrassing, but oh well... am I the only person that does a thing like that? sit on the edge of the bed to give 'em a touch up? ...oookay then, moving on...
I then had to walk across the Uni Res and part of the campus to get to the Uni gym, feeling like a dork in what used to be a school sports uniform (my younger sisters school sports uniform)...
And when I got there the rather attractive gym trainer guy has to run me through a program to see what goals I'm trying to achieve... um, I wanna loose my slightly podgy tummy... I just told him I wanted to improve my strength and fitness... So he shows me everything there is, and I can barely keep up with the automatic running machine... now I'm not really that unfit... I walk fast everywhere (probably 'cos I just don't want to waste time just getting places.. is that a form of laziness?).. but my calves were starting to sting... I was counting down the minutes till he came to tell me I could finish and go on the bikes... where I wasn't really fast enough... the whole gym is way too high tech.... and after that he had to walk me through how to do a push-up, a sit-up, a lunge and a triceps press... *sigh, I didn't even get a go on the rowing machine... after one round of the strengthening exercises (10 each) I headed for home.... and ate chocolate slice...

My legs don't actually hurt to day... it's my shoulders I can't move...

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